Le peščica oftalmologov na svetu, se lahko pohvali z nazivom pridobljenim z poglobljenim znanjem in številnimi izkušjami na področju kirurgije katarakte in refraktivne kirurgije FEBOS-CR . Naziv subspecialist podeljen s strani Evropskega Borda Oftalmologije. Vladimir Pfeifer je edini Slovenec , ki mu je to uspelo.
Advanced FEBOS-CR Exam/ Diploma (Cataract and Refractive Surgery)
The FEBOS-CR Examination
FEBOS-CR has been developed by the EBO and ESCRS to certify the expertise and advanced knowledge of experienced cataract and refractive surgeons. Successful candidates earn the right to use the post-nominal title FEBOS-CR to show they:
- hold a superior theoretical and practical knowledge
- can deal with more challenging cases and a complex case mix
- appreciate the importance of evidence-based medicine, and its purpose in developing scientific knowledge and clinical practice of the subspecialty
- are, or have the ambition to become, trainers and leaders in the cataract and refractive surgery subspecialty
Candidates must therefore be independent surgeons with a varied case mix who regularly deal with complex situations, and who are willing to be challenged by having their expertise and theoretical knowledge tested by a rigorous theoretical examination and interviews with some of the opinion leaders in European and worldwide ophthalmology.